What if IKEA left the fast furniture world and opted for a more quality-driven model for their furniture design?

How would they convince their customers to invest their hard earned cash in a quality piece, when they have spent so long indoctrinating their customer base that cheap, low quality furniture is sufficient.

Well, the new CEO of IKEA just recently presented the new route that IKEA will be taking towards a more quality-driven IKEA.

Take a look.
Rhetorical questions:

Is it ever ethical to use technology as a medium for mass manipulation?

If the end goal is a healthier planet, then does that make it alright to let people lose some of their privacy and autonomy?

To see my process click


In general, I would say that I am pro mass production. It is not a perfect process, but there is evidence that if done right, it can be a pretty efficient, and clean method.

In terms of IKEA, I am neutral because I really dislike the false motives, and shitty quality. I do though, understand the potential they have as an influencing force, and if that force is directed in a positive direction, the results could be substantial.


Colour Palette

For my colour palette, I first searched for a colour that exudes the aspect of quality that I am looking for. Through experimentation and research I came up with this violet. I used this as the primary colour for the rebranding.

As a secondary less widely used colour, I searched for something that reflects the Algorithmic aspect of my project. I settled on a green that is widely recognised as the colour of coding.